
Stella Blackmon is a director based in southwest Missouri and New York. She casts her extended family and hometown neighbours to play exaggerated versions of themselves in narrative films based in the Ozark Mountains, like in her four-part ‘Reunion’ series and her campaigns for babaá. Stella documented Harry Styles’ sold-out worldwide ‘Love on Tour,' and recently co-directed a short documentary on rodeo trick riders. Previously, she worked as a photo editor at New York Magazine.

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River, Ozark, Missouri, 2022


The two subject matters I find myself thinking about the most are girlhood and the midwest. They both have so much in common — they’re often dismissed or ignored in media and politics — I live in what is considered “flyover country.” But they both also have this tinge of darkness and danger that just continues to captivate me. This was a hot summer day I spent with my cousins at the river. Margot dunked her head in the water to cool off but what you don’t see is Birdie trying to keep her from hitting dozens of exposed nails on the side of the raft!

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Fireworks, Springfield, Missouri, 2021


There are two holidays that you can’t miss in Missouri, and they are the fourth of July and Halloween. The streets are filled with kids darting in every direction, their lips usually a little blue from popsicles or too much candy. Here, my cousins were lighting off fireworks in my mom’s backyard. These two boys were the youngest of the crew, and I was charmed how they weren’t quite ready for fireworks. They would light little ones and race back up the driveway, trying to hide behind the other, looking for reassurance from the older kids. I also love that Asa is scratching a mosquito bite on his back. 


Still from ‘Ozark Renegades,’ Ozark, Missouri, 2022


There are about four things to do in the thick of the muggy Missouri summer — go to my mom’s, go to Target, go to the river or go to the rodeo. This is a still from the summer I co-directed a short documentary on rodeo trick riders. I saw these cowboys from across the field, and I loved that they were all on horses and all on their phones — living in two very different worlds at once. 


Still from ‘For These Two “Nutcracker” Princes, It’s Showtime,’ New York City, 2024


This is a still from when I filmed a ballet class for The New York Times story about the two princes of ‘The Nutcracker.’ In the class, every boy was so incredibly professional and skilled, but there were still so many moments of tender boyhood. Their glances, giggles, their awareness and unawareness, their support for one another. There was so much unfolding in this silent class. I loved that his boy held his heart while trying to study a move. 

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Harry Styles’ ‘Love on Tour' final show, Italy, 2023


I documented the Harry Styles tour with my good friend Pham. This was a still from the day of the final show in Italy, as fans waited for hours to save their spots. This is one of the most welcoming, kind, and honestly cool communities I’ve ever witnessed. I was so moved by the idea that each individual was so authentically themselves — and that was true for each of the 100,000+ people that attended that night. We thought a lot about the best ways to showcase this kind of scale. Each time I look at this, I notice something new. I love that they are each completely in their own worlds, while still belonging to something bigger.


Follow Stella @stella.blackmon 


taking Pictures: Boe Marion

Originally from Oslo, and now based in New York, Boe is a photographer and artist whose impressive body of work spans the fields of fashion, art, commercial and outdoor sport.

talking Pictures: Erinn Springer

A photographer from Dunn County, Wisconsin, Erinn finds subjects within her immediate family and extended community, exploring memory and mortality through the lens of rural American life.

talking pictures: Elena Rendina

A visual artist and creative director working across photography, performance art and animation. With a background in fashion photography, Elena creates highly stylised and intimate worlds.